Professor of Ophthalmology (Since 1997) with a Subspeciality in Orbital, eyelid and lacrimal pathology and Surgery with Aesthetic Surgery (Since 1987), Followship and Training at Eye institute in Tunis , Fondation Rothschild d’Ophthalmologie in Paris, Moorfield Eye Hospital in London, Institute of Ophthalmology at University of Naples and University of Limoges. Consultant at Taoufik Hospital Group in Tunis, Tripoli Eye Hospital and Al Qabas International Eye center in Tripoli and Al Arrayed Eye Clinic in Bahrein. Development of Oculoplasty in Tunisia since 1987 and Contribution at the development of Oculoplasty in North Africa. Founding President of AFSOPRS (African Society of Oculoplasty), Vice President of MEASOPRS (Middle East Society of Oculoplasty) and Member of the scientific Committee of WSOPRAS (World Society of Oculoplasty ). Many Medal and Trophies Obtained from National and International Societies.