Elin Bohman

Elin Bohman


Elin Bohman MD, PhD, is a senior consultant in oculoplastic surgery with a special focus on lacrimal- and orbital surgery as well as care of the anophthalmic socket. Elin Bohman has, since 2014, been Director of the Oculoplastic and Orbital Services at St. Erik Eye Hospital, Stockholm and is a member of the Stockholm Craniofacial Team. She wrote her thesis on lacrimal drainage diseases and lacrimal surgery. Her current primary research areas are eyelid circulation, effects of vasoconstriction in oculoplastic surgery, and ophthalmological sequelae of facial nerve paralysis. In addition, she has ongoing research collaboration with the Department of Neurosurgery, Karolinska University Hospital, as well as the Department of Ophthalmology in Lund. She a member of the Orbit and Oftalmolog editorial boards. She was the SOE lecturer for the Swedish Ophthalmological society 2023. Elin Bohman is a well sought-after lecturer and responsible for the residents’ course in Oculoplastic, Orbit and Oncology.

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